Mr. Roof is America's #1 Rated Roofing Company and the Largest Residential Roofing Contractor.

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Avoid Roofers that Take Shortcuts

While Mr. Roof has had a long-standing standard of high quality craftsmanship in every roof we install, not all operations hold themselves to this level of professionalism.  There are plenty of examples all over the web of shameful business practices and low quality installations.   We want to protect you from the scams and the amateurs with a few tips to help you avoid losing money on a poor quality roofing job.

Recovery Roofs

The first and most common shortcut a fledgling roofer will attempt is what we commonly refer to as “recover jobs.”   What happens is you’ll meet with your roofing crew in the morning and sign off on the job before heading off to work.  When you return home things look wonderful and they crew is on their way out.  In a few months you’ll start to see curling shingles and pieces missing from the roof, wondering what went wrong.

This is more common than you think.  Amateur contractors will sometimes try to get away with simply laying new shingles down over top of the old ones and replacing the drip edge to get it looking like a brand new job.  It’s a very lazy process and we recommend you inspect your roof for this before paying.  To inspect, pick a random spot in the middle of the roof and ask the roofer to pull up a shingle.   Signs of decking indicate a lack of felt paper installed and if you see the old shingles underneath, report the company immediately to your local BBB and call Mr. Roof.

Starter Shingles

When shingles are laid across the roof, they have adhesive edges that seal together in the heat of the sun so the  individual shingles can hold each other in place.   The exception to this is on the eaves where special “starter shingles” are laid down to adhere in place along the edges.  This prevents shingles blowing off down in the future and is a standard that shouldn’t be overlooked.  Sadly it is all-too-commonly demonstrated on roofs we tear off before laying down our own.  If you’re losing shingles and pieces often, it’s likely that your roofer never used these starter shingles with the perimeter adhesive and you should call Mr. Roof to fix it right.


Seeing a roofing contractor lay down shingles with a staple gun is a sure fire sign that he doesn’t have the foggiest clue what he’s doing.  Staples can be ripped out by hand so why would you trust them to hold your roof together?   Mr. Roof not only uses full length roofing nails on every installation we perform, but we went to the trouble of engineering and patenting our own specialized roofing nails with angled ridges designed to provide an extra firm hold to the roof slats.

It’s one of the ways we guarantee our work for decades to come.

Don’t take chances on sub-quality roofing contractors when you can rest easy under a Mr. Roof installation knowing that our work comes with a lifetime guarantee and full warranty to protect your investment.

Mr. Roof

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