How can Energy Efficient Windows Help You in the Fall?

Lots of great things happen to your home when you replace your windows. You save money, add value to your home, and even improve your security. If you’re ready to revamp your property with some new additions, autumn may be the perfect time of the year to do it.

New Windows Will Increase the Value of Your Home

Like any home improvement project, replacing windows gets the attention of buyers. It tells them that they’re going to enjoy better energy efficiency and safety, and it’s always encouraging to know that they’re facing one less potential project. Even if you have no plans to sell, new windows add to the value for improved equity and other opportunities down the road.

Get new windows this Fall by Mr. RoofThey Look Better

Changing your windows can make a huge difference in the look of your house. This is especially true if you opt for a custom design or unusual shape, but even the most standard designs will offer a breath of fresh air. Crisp, clean edges and bright framing are surprisingly beautiful.

Letting in more natural light can help you relax. Bigger and brighter windows offer a better view of the outdoors, which can create a sense of peace, especially in wooded areas. Not only is natural lighting more pleasant than most artificial lighting, but it’s healthier and cheaper, too.

Switching out your old windows gives you a great chance to coordinate your style. Choosing a certain shape or style can be a great compliment to your interior design choices. Lots of Florida houses, for example, boast rounded windows to match their arched features. If you’re not sure what works best for you, you can always give Mr. Roof a call to see what options we can provide.

They Help Save Energy

Windows are responsible for dealing with a large amount of light throughout the day. If your windows are old, they’re probably letting in a lot of unnecessary UV rays and transferring heat inside your home. In the summer, this increases temperatures in your house. To compensate, the air conditioning has to work even harder. In the winter, it’s the opposite. Windows that aren’t well insulated allow comfortable heat from inside to seep out.

Fall is the Best Time for New Windows

Autumn is frequently overlooked as a home improvement season, but in reality, it’s fantastic. It’s much milder than winter or summer and not as wet or unpredictable as spring, but that’s not the only reason it’s a great time to work on your home. Fall is:

  • Generally a slow time for contractors. Most people scramble to get all their home improvement projects finished in the summer. Autumn begins to wind down and lots of work (aside from emergency repairs and the like) stops. That means it’s more likely that your project will be handled quickly.
  • A comfortable season to work outside. The temperate weather is nice for those who work outdoors. There’s no glaring heat in the day and it’s not too cold to work in the mornings and evenings. In addition, there’s more daylight than winter, so employees can work later.
  • Probably your last chance to replace windows before winter. Having open holes in your house when the weather cools down is not the best idea. You can change windows during the final season of the year, weather permitting, but it’s not recommended. If you get them installed beforehand, you’ll enjoy maximum energy savings right when the bills are highest.

Mr. Roof Knows WindowsEnergy Efficient Windows 2016

We’ve been remodeling houses for more than half a century. From our humble beginnings as a small family business we’ve grown tremendously, and we’re now proud to serve several states and regions. Although we got our start in roofs and additions, we’ve helped thousands of customers with beautiful window installations too. We’re experienced, fast, and professional in everything we do. Plus, our Same-Day Guarantee means that most tasks get finished in less than 24 hours.

The initial installation is only part of being a true company of experts, however. So what about a warranty? We guarantee the labor and the materials that we provide for life. We know that once you see what we can do with one project, you’ll ask us to be there to handle the next.

To learn more about our window replacement services, visit

Mr. Roof

Exterior renovation contractors providing roofing, siding, windows, gutters, masonry and insulation. Get a free estimate today!

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