Prep Your Roof for Solar Panel Installation

Solar technology is widely popular and continues to revolutionize the way we energize and heat our homes. Rightly so, of course, as the benefits of solar energy extend beyond just the financial savings and environmental concerns, this change in electrical technology is changing the way we conceive of building structures and the way we build our homes.

If you’re considering an investment in solar technology for your home and intend to install the panels on your roof, you should consider the following pieces of advice from our Roofing Experts.

Inspect Your Roof’s Stability

Before adding significant weight to your roof you should have a professional structural engineer or experienced roofer examined your roof the ensure it can handle the structural changes and added weight. Have your roofer check for damaged shingles, leaks, and other damage that could cause a problem when installing your solar panels.

Watch for Hazards

Check around the house for any tree limbs that pose a threat to the roof. A falling limb can be much more expensive if it lands on a roof with several thousand dollars worth of solar technology on it. Also relocate roof vents, satellite dishes, tv antennas, and other obstacles that can’t coexist with panel placement.

In general, you should take all steps necessary to make sure your house and roof are proper candidates for a major solar panel installation. The roof has to face the south or southwest in order to collect light and common winds or weather conditions should be taken into account.

If you and your roofing professional decide that solar panels are right for your roof, congratulate yourself on making the advance into twenty first century energy technology.

Mr. Roof

Exterior renovation contractors providing roofing, siding, windows, gutters, masonry and insulation. Get a free estimate today!

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