Roof Replacement in Dearborn, MI

top-roofing-contractorThere are few home investments as effective as roof replacement in Dearborn, MI. Taking the plunge for this big decision brings a host of incredible benefits, not to mention the excitement and satisfaction of making renovation choices on your own. If you replace your roof, you’ll see:

  • Higher home value. New buyers don’t want a home that needs repair. If you’ve already taken care of this big project, they’ll be willing to pay more when you decide to sell.
  • Improved curb appeal. You may not think it, but the appearance of your roof has a big effect on the aesthetic appeal of your house. Realtors estimate about 40% of the total curb appeal is tied to the roof.
  • Lower energy costs. If your older roof is leaking air or transferring too much heat, your HVAC will have to work overtime to compensate. A new roof will mean less power usage, fewer greenhouse emissions, and lower bills each month.
  • Fewer health risks. Many old roofs contain mildew or mold. Getting rid of subpar material can take away potential health threats and keep your family safe.
  • Customization options. Choose a new color or material to drastically change the look of your home and help set yourself apart. Roof replacement is also a fantastic time to install skylights or other modifications.
  • Comfort in storms. Old roofs are prone to blowing off shingles and taking damage from wind and rain. If you add a new one, you won’t have to worry about roof damage or repair, even in inclement weather.

There are several other new roof benefits beyond these, too. Roof replacement also has an approximate 70% return on investment ? meaning, it’s one of the most cost effective upgrades you can make.

The Common Roof Types

There are four main roof types: asphalt shingles, cedar shakes, metal, and clay tiles. They all offer unique benefits and disadvantages. A good Michigan roofing company will help you take these factors into consideration so you can find the material that matches your needs, style, and budget.

Asphalt shingles

These are by far the most common choice. They’re much less expensive than other options but still provide a selection of styles and weights. Old, flat, and boring asphalt shingles are different from the ones we know today. Now you can find them in a variety of textures and colors for extra dimension and class. The biggest problem with asphalt shingles is they do not last as long as some other types. Most asphalt roofs require replacement every 20-50 years depending on the material.

At Mr. Roof, our premium roofing systems are good for a liftime. We install our asphalt shingle roofs in just one-day and offer a lifetime warranty on materials and labor for as long as you live in your home.Top Rated Roofing Services

Cedar shakes

These small wooden planks are perhaps the most timeless looking choice. They’re all made from split cedar but offer an incredible color and woodgrain variety. In truth, it’s nearly impossible to achieve a more dimensional look than cedar shakes. The wood is also naturally resistant to mold and rot, so they last for many decades. The disadvantages of cedar shakes are the high cost of material and labor combined with a slower installation process.

* This type of roofing material is not installed by Mr. Roof.

Metal roofing

This is one of the fastest growing types. In the past, sections of tin were your only option. Now you can find sections in the shape of tiles, shakes and shingles for extra dimension ? plus an array of colors. One of the greatest things about metal roofs is their weight. They are several times lighter than other options, putting less strain on the structure of your home. The biggest obstacle with metal roofs is the higher material cost.

* This type of roofing material is installed by Mr. Roof in select markets.

Clay tile

These roofs are most commonly associated with hot and arid regions like Texas. They’re unique because of their natural temperature regulation. Clay tiles reflect energy very easily, meaning they keep your house much cooler than other types of roofing material. Clay tiles are less common, especially for roof replacement in Dearborn, MI, so they are also more expensive and harder to install.

* This type of roofing material is not installed by Mr. Roof.

Choosing the Right Roofers in Dearborn, MI

Top Rated Roofers in MichiganRegardless of the roof type you like, you need fast and high quality roof installation in Dearborn, MI. At Mr. Roof, we have more than enough experience to get your job done right. One of the best parts of working with Mr. Roof is our lifetime warranties. Not only do we cover the material, we also stand by every bit of our labor. Plus, we don’t charge a warranty deductible, so you’ll never have to pay out of pocket if something goes wrong.

Call 1-800-4MR-ROOF or schedule an appointment online to get your free, no-obligation estimate ? and see what Mr. Roof can do for you.

Mr. Roof

Exterior renovation contractors providing roofing, siding, windows, gutters, masonry and insulation. Get a free estimate today!

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