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Warmer Temperature in Louisville Encourages Seasonal Updates

We’re already seeing warmer temperatures than normal here in Louisville. Across the country, people are experiencing record high temperatures and the early arrival of spring. If these trends continue, we could be in for a scorching summer, which means higher energy bills for most of us.

What if there was a way to keep your air conditioning comfortable, while keeping your bills low? It’s possible, if you take time to prepare. Follow this guide for a temperate, cost-effective summer season.

Energy Efficiency: Good for Your Wallet and the Environment

These days, it doesn’t make much sense to be an energy hog. The government offers tax breaks and incentives to those who invest in energy-efficient technology, plus you’ll save money on your utility bills in the long run. Today’s appliances use less energy to run and have a longer life cycle than older models, so your investment will begin to pay off sooner than you might think.

Start With Your Windows and Doors

Your windows and doors are your first protection against the summer swelter. If you sense temperature fluctuations or humid air around your windows or doors in the summertime, it might be time to consider a replacement. Properly insulated windows keep out the heat, ensuring a more-comfortable environment. It will also keep your air conditioning from working in overdrive, saving on cooling costs. At Mr. Roof in Louisville we provide premium quality windows with an exclusive weather barrier system, UltraCore insulated frame, and the most efficient glass system in the industry. Our windows offer 27% more viewing area than typical windows and a lifetime, non-prorated warranty.

If you’re shopping for good windows, look for ones that offer an installation and parts guarantee. After you have them installed, follow these tips to make the most out of your energy-efficient windows and doors:

  • Clean them regularly and enjoy the view.
  • Check for signs of damage after severe weather.
  • Check for condensation between the panes, which may indicate a poor seal.
  • Draw the curtains during the day (particularly when you’re not home) to keep sunlight out and add a layer of insulation against the heat.

Improving Your Window’s Efficiency

For many homeowners, replacing every single window with a new energy-efficient unit isn’t feasible. Replace your windows over time to minimize the impact on your wallet. Take some simple steps to improve the energy efficiency of your existing windows and doors:

  • Check your caulking and weather stripping for cracks or other signs of wear. Re-caulking is extremely cost-effective; you can do it yourself in a few hours, and it will make a significant impact on your energy bill.
  • Install white, tight-fitting drapes over the windows to reflect the sun’s heat back into the atmosphere.
  • Close your curtains on the south- and west-side windows during the day.
  • Consider applying a reflective film on your south-facing windows to minimize solar heat gain.
  • Install retractable awnings on your south- and west-facing windows to help keep heat away from the hottest areas of your home.
  • Energy-efficient curtains in a medium color with a white, plastic backing can reduce heat gain by up to 33%, according to the U.S. Department of Energy.

Service Your Air Conditioner

Your cooling system is one of the most important aspects of your in-home climate control. We recommend getting your air conditioning serviced each spring to ensure it’s running at its most efficient. If you’re shopping for a replacement system, keep in mind that bigger isn’t always better. An air conditioning system that’s too large for your home will be inefficient. Talk to a professional about the right system for your space.

If you don’t have ceiling fans, consider installing them throughout your home. This will ensure that cooler air is circulating, even when your air conditioner isn’t working. And resist setting your system to a temperature lower than what you need – it won’t cool your home down any faster and will burn extra energy.

Turn It Off

It may seem obvious, but turn off your appliances when they’re not in use. Today’s appliances often feature a standby mode, so it’s easy to forget they’re still using energy. Consider purchasing a programmable thermostat so your cooling system will automatically adjust when you leave the home for the day.


Being energy efficient isn’t as expensive as you may think and is essential to control your cooling and heating costs. Properly insulated windows by Mr. Roof Louisville will go a long way to prevent temperature fluctuations in your home that make your HVAC systems work in overdrive. By effectively controlling your home’s temperature, you can save significant money on your energy bills. You don’t have to apply all the steps in this guide at once – even a couple steps at a time will make a big difference in your energy consumption.